Control Document for Language Metadata Table (LMT) API

This document serves as a foundational structure for the LMT API Control Document.

Dive right in to see the LMT:


Purpose & Scope:

The LMT API is designed to provide a unified source of reference for language codes in the media and entertainment industries, based on IETF BCP 47 standards. Its mission is to facilitate efficient and consistent usage, extend code values through vetted definitions, and foster collaboration among professionals.


Current version: v4.2.0

API Architecture

Base URL:

Authentication and Authorization:

Rate Limits:

Integration Tools:

Best Practices:


Endpoint Structure & Parameters:

Endpoints and parameters are detailed here.

Key endpoints include:

Response Formats:


Security and Compliance

The security and compliance of our API is of utmost importance. Here are some key points:

Change Log

Contact and Support

Support Channels:

For support and feedback, contact